RARA-AVIS: Gaslight and Green Ice

Mon, 2 Feb 1998 12:57:47 -0500 The Washington Post had a notice about a new collection--Detection by
Gaslight--from Dover for 2 bucks. It's early crime/detective stories
apparently--not hard-boiled but precursors perhaps to the P.I. The
collection appears to be edited by Rara-Avis' own Doug Greene, so
perhaps he could tell us how the collection came about, what's in it,

I took Mario Taboada's advice and read Raoul Whitfield's Green Ice. I
had a copy around, but hadn't rushed to read it because I had been a
little disappointed with Death in a Bowl (which is good--I just had high
expectations; I liked "Mistral," the story we read in the eponymous
Hard-Boiled collection). I thought Green Ice was pretty great. Great
action, fine prose. The plot and premises are occasionally a bit
much--or not enough--but you don't care too much because of the ride.
Thanks Mario. Do I move on to Whitfield's only other novel, The Virgin

Doug Levin
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