Re: RARA-AVIS: What Is Good Fiction?

michael david sharp (
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 23:03:19 -0500 (EST) The gentleman from Ann Arbor LOVES Chandler, Hammett, Cain (Paul), and
Davis. He doesn't care much for Daly. Sometimes one has to teach what one
doesn't like, but I would never teach an entire course on writers I didn't
think were good.

Michael D. Sharp Email:
Department of English Lang. and Lit. Phone: (313) 761-8776
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Fax: (313) 763-3128

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Don zee lm wrote:

> If the gentleman from Ann Arbor (and, perhaps, his class) doesn't think much
> of the pulp-fiction writers, such as Chandler, Hammett, Cain, Davis and
> others, may I submit this question:
> Who is a good writer?
> #
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