Re: RARA-AVIS: No, Daly just writes badly

michael david sharp (
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 19:27:10 -0500 (EST) Class goes through April, and of course any rara member in Ann Arbor on
any given Tuesday or Thursday is more than welcome to hang out and talk
hardboiled w/ me and my class. Everything we read is 1920-60, so no
Vachss. We are reading Mosley at the end, though, as an example of
contemporary revision of the 40s-50s p.i. novel. Gotta go prepare to teach
*Maltese Falcon* tomorrow. Michael

Michael D. Sharp Email:
Department of English Lang. and Lit. Phone: (313) 761-8776
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Fax: (313) 763-3128

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, SYNEFROG wrote:

> pretty well put...and just curious: how do they, or have they, reacted to Nick
> Hornby's High Fidelity...(granted, it has nothing to do with hard-boiled/noir)
> or to Andrew Vaschss???..i'm curious because some french kids in my family
> that i saw at christmas in lyon loved both (they read hornby in english and
> vaschss in french translation)...they were in 12th grade high school...
> when is your class? and how long does it go (until march?) ...because i would
> love to 'go back to school' for an hour or two sometimes if my crazy schedule
> allows me to...and if that would be ok with you (i used to teach french in
> romance lang. dpt. in 73-74) and i'm still very good friend with many in the
> anthro dpt....
> merci in advance for any info
> steve novak
> #
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