RARA-AVIS: Johnson-brothers?

Joe Kraus (j-kraus@nwu.edu)
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:42:55 -0600 I have two quick questions for the flock:

First, I stumbled on a reference in Hammett's "Red Harvest" that confuses
me. When the Op is questioning Captain Noonan about the men killed in the
shootout between Reno Starkey and Lew Yard's men, Noonan tells him, "[It
was] A pair of Johnson-brothers named Blackie Whalen and Put Collings that
only got out on bail around five yesterday, and Dutch Jake Wahl, a
guerilla." (It's p. 96 in the collected novels.)

Does anyone have any idea what "Johnson-brothers" means in this context?
If so, any idea about the derivation of it?

Second, I've been having a helluva time with my postings lately. Two
times ago took more than a week to post. The last one (a congratulations
to Bill on maintaining such a fine list) seems never to have made it at all.

Am I doing something wrong, (subscribing just to the digest? sending to
the wrong return address?) or does the list-serv just not like my face?

Thanks to all of you for maintaining such a strong discussion. I've
enjoyed listening in, even if I haven't had much luck talking back.

--Joe Kraus
Northwestern University
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