RARA-AVIS: American Noir Crime Novels Editor

Rick Robinson (rkr@pacbell.net)
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 21:21:22 -0800 Just a few minutes before I type this the ball did it's slide in Time's
Square. Happy New Year, everyone!

Bill Denton wrote on Tuesday December 30:
> Doug Levin jokingly referred to these books as "canon," and maybe
> that's what they'll be. Who edited the collections?

Though the Library of America pretty much just lays the novels out for
us with hardly a word of editorial material, the editor for both volumes
is Robert Polito, with whom I am not familiar. The note one an inner
page of each volume states simply that "Robert Polito selected the
contents and wrote the notes for this volume." The "notes" consist of
the back and inner dust jacket copy, nothing introducing each novel or
editorial postscript to them. That's fine with me, it's the novelists
words I want to read.

Time to go, I hear more champagne corks popping.

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