
RARA-AVIS: Re: Cornell Woolrich question

On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Spurlock, Duane wrote:

> My next question: This volume includes no publication info on these
> stories' original appearance. Can anyone supply date and magazine names
> for 'em:

Courtesy of Francis M. Nevin's amazing Woolrich biography, _First You
Dream, Then You Die_ (NY: The Mysterious Press, 1988):

> "Rear Window"

_Dime Detective_, Feb. 1942 (as "It Had to be Murder")

> "Post-Mortem"

_Black Mask_, April 1940

> "Three O'Clock"

_Detective Fiction Weekly_, 1 October 1938

> "Change of Murder"

_Detective Fiction Weekly_, 25 January 1936

> "Momentum"

_Detective Fiction Weekly_, 14 December 1940 (As "Murder Always Gathers

> Finally, what is the "so-called Black Series of suspense novels"

These are better known as the "Serie Noire"--classic American (mostly) 
detective and crime fiction with a decidedly dark tone.  Authors include
Woolrich, David Goodis, Raymond Chandler, and the like. The chances are
that if a *film noir* was based on a book, that book is one of the Serie

Hope this helps!

Katherine Harper
Department of English
Bowling Green State University
Visit the W.R. Burnett Page at http://ernie.bgsu.edu/~kharper/

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