
RE: RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS Digest V1 #54

I feel that the two are not mutually exclusive.  However and I 
should have explained more, when you do a grand epic novel, 
filled with many characters and not one solid base, I do not 
feel it can be truly hardboiled in the Chandelr, hammett, 
macdonald, macdonald sense.  I hope this explains but let's see 
what others think.

On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Larson, Craig wrote:

> When Alexander Cooley Ives wrote that _American Tabloid_ is
> "a crime novel.  It is not hardboiled," I have to admit that I
> find myself scratching my head.  Are the two mutually 
> exclusive?  Cannot a crime novel also be a hardboiled novel?
> Aren't most hardboiled novels concerned in some way with
> crime?
> Craig Larson
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