Some of my work about augmented reality.
- Libraries and Archives Augmenting the World in The Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know, edited by Kenneth J. Varnum and published by LITA in May 2014. The supplement to the chapter has links to everything mentioned in it, and more.
- Stuff, Sites and Standards: Libraries and Archives in AR, slides talk given on 26 March 2014 at the March 2014 AR Standards Community Meeting in Arlington, Virginia. The speaking notes are also available.
- Avoirdupois, a point-of-interest provider for Layar written in Ruby using Sinatra.
- Laertes, a point-of-interest provider for Layar. Gathers together geolocated tweets using a defined hash tag with points of interest from Google Maps to give an AR view of goings on and happenings for everyone at an event or conference.