RARA-AVIS: Re: Bookstores and Libraries

From: Kevin Burton Smith (kvnsmith@thrillingdetective.com)
Date: 26 Nov 2008

  • Next message: cptpipes2000: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Ellroy's American Underworld (From Etienne)"

    J.C. wrote:

    > Well Kevin, there is a great deal more to Borders current
    > difficulties than their over-investment in CDs and DVDs. I worked
    > for them for 22 years, but I'll spare you the details.

    Thank you. Of course, there are more contributing factors than just their over-investment in CDs and DVDs, but it does seem to be a recurring refrain in several trade magazines, including PW and the Wall Street Journal.

    > And if the big chains aren't as monolithic as some people think,
    > they're still pretty influential. And almost all their buying
    > decisions are made on a national level. Titles from local presses
    > or focused on localized issues are the chief exception.

    There's no doubt they are tremendously influential in their decisions on what to carry, but local stores can still decide to carry titles, local or otherwise, not offered nationwide. All they have to know is there's a market for something.

    My point was that you can still order HardCaseCrime (or almost any other book) from almost any reputable bookstore, chain or otherwise, and if enough people want it, only the densest of bookstore owners wouldn't think about stocking a popular title.

    Not finding it on a shelf (or not bothering to even look) and slinking away to order it online on bn.com or Amazon or whatever.com is a sure way to ensure the closure of even more brick-and-mortar bookstores.

    Although I'm still trying to figure out why our local B&N carries a magazine on ice fishing. The only ice here is in margaritas.


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