RARA-AVIS: Re: L'Amour's crime stories

From: chacharat2002 (decliningreturns@gmail.com)
Date: 18 Nov 2008

  • Next message: chacharat2002: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Fast One"

    --- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "jacquesdebierue"
    <jacquesdebierue@...> wrote: In my opinion, L'Amour has 3 worthwhile westerns that should be read
    (Hondo, Sitka, Burning Hills). I gave up on his Sackett plot repeats decades ago and probably didn't buy another of his until the C & Graf Hills of Homicide came out, collecting most of the stories I had in pulp form but hadn't yet read. There are still a few I haven't read; they are so-so, readable but pretty much run-of-the-mill stories that would normally be buried in the pulps never to be collected or anthologized for a less well-welling author.
    --My backbone western authors since I started reading in the 1950's were and are Luke Short and Ernest Haycox(the short novels and novelettes collected/published after their deaths should not be where you start reading on them, as they are lesser works). I recommend Robert MacLeod(4 of his novels, but not Muleskinner), all Don Hamilton's westerns(esp. Big Valley, Man from Santa Clara(2-shoot gun) ), and Loren Estleman's City of Widows and Stranglers. I have trouble enjoying recent non-Murduck series Estleman westerns except these 2. Ken
    > Thanks. I'm curious about this and will try to grab it as soon as
    > possible. I have always liked L'Amour's work. I know some people think
    > of him as a hack, but I have a lot of respect for him. In any case,
    > I've enjoyed everything I've read by him, including a few stories in
    > anthologies. Do Raravians favor westerns? Years ago I consumed a large
    > number of them, with no regrets or bad aftereffects... I reached a
    > point at which I couldn't find very many new authors that I liked.
    > Best,
    > mrt

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