RARA-AVIS: Novissimi: Iain Levison

From: Gonzalo Baeza ( gbaeza@gmail.com)
Date: 12 May 2008

Speaking of Novissimi, has anyone here read Iain Levison's Since the Layoffs? It's a darkly humorous crime novel about a depressed working class town with a main character that becomes a hired killer to make ends meet. Some of its themes echo those alluded to by Westlake in The Ax. Levison, however, has his own distinct voice. He is also the author of a very funny nonfiction book on the subject of underpaid jobs called A Working Stiff's Manifesto. Bitter Lemon will be publishing his second novel, Dog Eats Dog, which got a nod in Mike Ripley's latest Getting Away With Murder column:


-Gonzalo B.

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