RARA-AVIS: Pulp Fiction

From: m23to53 ( library.john@virgin.net)
Date: 26 Apr 2008

The third part of 'Pulp Fiction' anthology 'Dames'is now published here. Must admit I find it a fascinating collection as it includes few stories by the usual suspects, but instead by names lesser known and pretty anonymous. It has also made me wonder about women as writers for the pulps. Most anthologies of pulp stories nake the world of the pulp writer to be a male preserve. But were there women writers, perhaps hidden in the plethora of anonymous names and probable pseudonyms. I have read that crime writer Phoebe Aywood Taylor wrote many pulp crime stories under other names, but have yet to find any evidence of this. There is also one Virginia S. Sanderson (head of the theatre department, San Jose University in the 1930s) who wrote stories for the pulps 'always under another name'. Again no evidence to support the claim. Does anyone know anything of these ladies, or any other?

At the same time, does anyone know anything about the pulp stories of spiritual author/philosopher Paul Twitchell? A website about him says that at one he wrote mysteries and westerns for the pulps, but gives no evidence of anything he wrote.


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