Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Christa Faust

Date: 30 Jan 2008

Vince wrote:

"I also enjoyed Money Shot. Dark, nasty, no-nonsense, with a great sense of the Los Angeles porn underworld."

I also liked the way she handled Angel's character, the contradictions and evolution. I liked how, at the beginning, she was so wordly in the ways of porn and nude dance clubs, but was far less knowledgable, sometimes even a bit naive about other far less savory, more criminal aspects of the sex trade. Malloy helped her navigate this new world as she went through her steep learning curve. Similarly, I liked how Malloy was totally in charge of the investigatory aspects through much of the story. He was once a cop, so he would have the skills, but had to rely on Angel for some obscure knowledge of the legalities of the porn trade, such as the release forms. I liked how both were very believable in what they would and would not know, complementing each other well.


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