From: JIM DOHERTY ( jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com)
Date: 25 Jan 2008

Tomorrow morning, 26 Jan, TCM is running ARMORED CAR ROBBERY. Some of you might have already seen this one a few weeks ago when James Ellroy was the guest programmer for one evening on TCM.

It was directed by Richard Fleischer, co-written by Earl Felton, and stars Charles McGraw as a hard-nosed LA cop. The same director-writer-star combo would be responsible for the far better-known cop noir, THE NARROW MARGIN, with McGraw as, essentially, the same character, only this time guarding a witness on a train from Chicago to LA, rather than hunting down an armed robber.

William Talman, best-known as Hamilton Burger on the old PERRY MASON show, is the lead bad guy, a character who reminds me an awful lot of Stark's Parker. He also rather resembles Sterling Hayden, who played a similar role in THE KILLING and THE ASPHALT JUNGLE. In fact, given certain shots and sequences in ARMORED CAR ROBBERY, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Kubrick was familiar with this film.


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