Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: The 150 Best Harboiled/Noir 1929-69

From: Mark Francis (
Date: 08 Jan 2008

>>These are personal lists, not the results of polls... For example ,
you could preach Spillane to me, but I would not include any of his books in my favorites list. On the other hand, if I were writing a history of the genre, I would have to include him. Different things.<<
  OK, but the thread and list were titled "150 Best Hardboiled/Noir" - it
  seems "My Favorite 150 Hardboiled/Noir" would have made more sense,
  and while "best" will always be subjective, one would also assume the
  author of such a list would have read a certain amount of titles and authors
  within the genre, if they are going to undergo to make a list with such a
  lofty title - the list just seemed absurdly limited in scope.

jacquesdebierue <> wrote:
          --- In, "jsbuturn" <ishantriv@...> wrote:
> Why should one leave behind novels like 'Sin-Pit' (Paul
> Meskil), 'Inquest' (Percieval Wilde), 'Mr. Bowling Buys A Newspaper'
> (Donald Henderson), ; authors like Bruno Fischer, Richard Sale, David
> Karp, Don Tracy, Eleazar Lipsky, Frederic Brown, Kenneth Fearing,
> William Krasner, Willard Motley and Jay Dratler? Or is it that we all
> go by our biases and a true checklist is not possible?

These are personal lists, not the results of polls... For example , you could preach Spillane to me, but I would not include any of his books in my favorites list. On the other hand, if I were writing a history of the genre, I would have to include him. Different things.





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