RARA-AVIS: Re: Real Cool Killers

From: JIM DOHERTY ( jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com)
Date: 15 Jul 2007


Re your comment below:

"7. The novels were based in New York City."

One might also add:

7a. And not a realistic New York, but a nightmarish, twisted funhouse mirror-image of New York, that starkly contrasts with more realistic depcitions like Lawrence Block's and Ed McBain's.

Interestingly, it's been suggested, by Max Allan Collins among others, that Himes's version of Harlem isn't really modeled on Harlem at all.

Knowing that the books were written for a French audience, Himes set the books in Harlem knowing that that's where French people would expect a book about American blacks to be set.

In fact, according to Collins and others, the geography of Himes's Harlem more closely parallels Cleveland's black ghetto located in Cleveland PD's Third Precinct, the so-called "Roaring Third," where Himes actually spent more time.

I'm not familiar enough with either place to comment, but I'd be interested in what Himes scholars on this forum had to say.



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