RARA-AVIS: Hard-Boiled Series Characters...Looking for Recommendations

From: hgleejr ( lista@hglee.com)
Date: 16 Feb 2007


Long-time lurker, first-time poster here...I was wondering what series characters I may have missed in my detective biliophily of the past two decades. For context, I am a *HUGE* Travis McGee, Harry Bosch, Spenser, and Matthew Scudder fan. I also enjoy the Lucas Davenport series (and, to a lesser extent, the Alex Cross series).

I've seen postings on this list about Harry Crews and James Cain, and I'm wondering whether there are authors that have written series characters that I might enjoy. I am quite familiar with Chandler, Spillane, Stout, and Hammett, but I'm always looking for the overlooked, so to speak.

I would welcome any suggestions (on or off list) that might uncover the next series character to keep me off the streets. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the suggestions!

Best Regards,

-H.G. Lee

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