RARA-AVIS: Nicholas Stansberry

From: Bludis Jack ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 10 Jun 2004

Cross posted becasue I sent it to "Thrilling Detective" this morning where the subject was
"What are you up to," but I think the rare birds here might like this one.

I just finished Nicholas Stansberry's "The Spoiler." Other than baseball, the story includes politics, arson, friends who aren't friends, and a bang of an ending.

The book starts off slow and early on the writing seemed a little clunky to me. By the end it is going at a break-neck speed in a terrific noir style.

This is noir in the sense that the hero, not at all a bad guy, is screwed from the beginning.

I'm anxious to get his next which is coming soon from "Hard Case Crime."

In my opinion, Stansberry is a great, undiscovered writer--even thouugh he has been nominated for two Edgars.

If you're goint to smaple him, start with "The Last Days of Il Duce." If you're going to read all of his work, start with "The Spoiler."


===== Now: "The Big Switch," and "The Deal Killer" This summer "Shadow of the Dahlia." http://www.jackbludis.com --updated 5-27-04

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