Re: RARA-AVIS: point blank website

From: JT Lindroos (
Date: 10 Apr 2004

>>You mean I can finally find a reasonably priced copy of Texas Wind? Yes
yes y'all! I've been wanting to read that for almost 20 years, ever since I first read about it in Private Eyes: 101 Knights.<<

Yup, TEXAS WIND trade paper should be $15.95 (and there will probably be an identical hardcover edition at $29.95) and we're hoping to do a collection of all the Cody stories sometime in the future. TW *could* be available as early as late this month, officially out in late May or early June.

>>And if it's no too early to say, what are you planning to publish by
Russell James?<<

The only confirmed book by Russell is a reprint of his early novel PAYBACK.... but Al is looking into other possibilities. There's a lot of great stuff we can't speak about yet -- have to have all those contracts signed first.


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