RARA-AVIS: Hardboiled mass-market

From: Bludis Jack ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 03 Apr 2004

I thought many of you might be interested in this since Charles Ardai mentioned it here on rara-avis a few months ago:

"Hard-boiled crime fiction is more popular today than ever, " says publisher Charles Ardai.

"However, it's been ages since anyone has produced a mass-market paperback line aimed at capturing this audience with compelling visuals and can't-put-it-down storytelling." The first two titles, Lawrence Block's "Grifter's Game" and Max Phillips's "Fade to Blonde," will debut in September.

The above is from an article by Andi Schecter who discusses the ghetto of myatery genre fiction.

I'd give you the url, but I've misplaced it.

Jack Bludis

===== Now: "The Big Switch," and "The Deal Killer" Coming in June: "Shadow of the Dahlia" http://jackbludis.com/

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