RARA-AVIS: Chester Himes's detectives: Doherty

From: Todd Mason ( Todd.Mason@tvguide.com)
Date: 31 Mar 2004

-----Original Message----- From: JIM DOHERTY Himes's cop stories about Coffin Ed and Grave-Digger didn't start until nearly a decade after Allison's
"Corollary" was published, so Allison was, in fact, almost, but not quite, the pioneer Queen said he was.

--Yep. Though there's this, fwiw, from http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/HIMES/himes-coffingravedigger.html
--GIVEADAMN, a Chester Himes site:

The characters Coffin Ed and Grave Digger Jones are patterned after two detectives in a short story Himes published (1933) in Abbott's Monthly Magazine.

--Dunno if that's inaccurate in any way.

Amusingly, among the easily Googled references to Allison is a 1998 RA mention, wherein students and a professor were less than enthusiastic about Allison's prose.


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