Re: RARA-AVIS: All White Girls

Date: 25 Mar 2004


Re your question below:

> I was looking on Amazon for Jack Bludis's new book
> SHADOW OF THE DAHLIA and I found a book called ALL
> WHITE GIRLS by Michael Bracken. Anybody read him?
> I read a review or two and at least one of them
> mentioned that his world view was too dark for most
> people. Sounds interesting. Maybe Jim has heard of
> him. The setting is Chicago.

I've never met him f2f, but we've become acquainted through the 'Net and letters. Coincidentally, I'm reading a book of his right now, TEQUILA SUNRISE, a collection of short stories about a hard-boiled PI in St. Louis, MO. Good stuff, so you'd probably like ALL WHITE GIRLS.

Michael's one of the honchos of the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and though he's one of the most prolific short story writers in the mystery community, he's actually better-known as an editor of short mystery fiction. Among his anthologies are the FEDORA series, HARDBROILED (combining PI stories with food), and the upcoming CITY CRIMES - COUNTRY CRIMES. Jack Bludis and I were both in HARDBROILED.

Because he sets some of his fiction in Chicago, he's sometimes contacted me for technical advice re police work up here. On the 'Net he's a real nice guy. Looking forward to meeting him in person some day.

You can find out more about him at:


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