Re: RARA-AVIS: Real Pulp

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 12 Oct 2003

> It's NOT a collection of stories from the old pulps.
> It IS a very good history, and to some degree
> critique, of the detective characters who flourished
> in the pulp magazine.
> Goulart is also the editor of a very good anthology of
> pulp (in the original sense) mysteries called THE

******************** I'm looking forward to it. Didn't mean to imply that I thought it was stories. I knew it was a commentary. I don't have THE HARDBOILED DICKS. I've got a couple others though that just about include all those stories, or at least that's what I recall being the case. Got THE BLACK MASK BOYS and THE HARDBOILED DETECTIVES (think that second title is right).

As a footnote, I came back to THE PARADISE EATERS by Saul and it was pretty good. It struck me as a little uneven, or at least that was the impression it made on me. There were parts that really struck home and others that seemed out of focus. Although tagged a thriller, it was definitely hardboiled, too. It's about a bitter expatriate journalist struggling to keep it together in Thailand. Some strong parallels to Hemingway's THE SUN ALSO RISES.


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