From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 20 Aug 2003

<< And now I agree with Chris, so much so that I became outraged when it was shown on TV and the ending was cut
(freeze-framed) in such a way that the viewer was not confronted by the non-Marlowe act.>>

I rarely watch movies on television, but in recent months I have noticed that the Bravo channel, for example, cuts movies. They totally eliminated a brief but key sex scene in Kieslowski's Red (with Trintignant). I think it's outrageous. When Bravo started out, they were a good channel, not an exhibitor of disfigured films.

Many channels also seem to have some kind of aversion to female breasts and to nudity in general, as if there were something unhealthy about the human body. So they butcher the films they show. I am talking about US television. Things are different in Europe (how are they in Canada?).

Best regards,


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