RE: RARA-AVIS: Renting videos

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 08 Sep 2002

Jim Stephenson said: Try renting them from Video Vault in Alexandria. They've got pretty near everything, and they offer a reasonably priced mail rental program. I've never rented from them by mail, but I used to haunt their store regularly.

********** Hi Jim,

Well, I checked the place out. It looks like they have a lot of great titles, and being able to rent by mail is a great option. But I would have to join for a minimum of $15/year and then the movies are $20US and some change, and I have to pay for shipping it back. You get the movie for almost a whole week, so by regular standards it's a pretty good deal, but it's more than I can afford, especially considering that I'm the only one that would watch the ones I have in mine. The family would see black-and-white and turn up their nose in disapproval.

I appreciate the post, though. It's the thought that counts. Thanks!


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