Re: RARA-AVIS: What about Dorothy Hughes ?

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 04 Sep 2002

Bill H wrote:

"IN A LONELY PLACE (also a Nicholas Ray film with Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame) is possibly her best, about a writer who may or may not be a serial killer in LA."

May or may not? That doubt may apply to the movie, but not the book. The answer to that question is quite clear from very near the beginning of the book -- it opens with Dix stalking a woman.

By the way, that's the only Hughes I've read and I was going to recommend it. It's also a good example of a woman writing convincing men, as is Leigh Brackett. However, convincing '40s men are not the same as convincing contemporary men, as books now include far more development of character, gender, personality traits and interests that do not bear directly on the plot. However, this is not meant to imply that Hughes's men lack depth.


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