From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 16 Aug 2002

<< The ending was so revolutionary, so much of a breach of everything we hold holy about the good guys...>>

But Harris was not the first writer, or even the first suspense writer, to present such a breach. Despite the conventions of the era, some Gold Medals (to stay on topic, on some topic) present the bad guy in a good light
(sometimes as a hero), or at least on equal footing with the good guys. And Richard Stark has become legendary precisely because he makes you root for Parker and cohorts. While making you laugh, he also makes you root for Dortmunder and codogs. And he makes you root for the poor fellow in _The Ax_.

I have never been wholly convinced by Thomas Harris. Impeccable technique, fine sense of suspense, but for me, there is something very commercial about his books, something exploitive. He doesn't leave anything for me to contribute, from which I conclude, somewhat arbitrarily, that he is unsubtle.

Best regards,


"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug." Mark Twain

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