RE: RARA-AVIS: One more Gold Medal story: Crider

Date: 15 Aug 2002

Would that have been Black Cat 115, edited by Matt Firth?
> Kerry

OK, I looked up the original magazine: Black Cat Mystery Magazine, Volume 1, Number 3, Halloween Issue, 1981. The editors somehow screwed up, leaving out part of the story. Joe wrote them a letter in his usual calm, reasonable fashion, explaining what he'd like to do to them. They were going to buy that second story, I believe, but for some reason, they didn't, probably because Joe said he wouldn't let them have it if they crawled from Toronto to Nacogdoches on their hands and knees and paid him $1000 for it. Or something calm and reasonable like that. They also got Joe's middle initial in the Table of Contents. That might have had something to do with it.

Ron's given us the name of the book that the story's in now.
 Thanks, Ron. I'm supposed to get my copy this weekend.

Bill Crider

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