Re: R: RARA-AVIS: british terminology

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 08 Aug 2002

Rene wrote:

"Of course, since the 80's, skinhead has become synonymous with neo-Nazi, not just in the UK & Australia but the US & both Western Europe & Eastern Europe as well."

Maybe synonymous by the media and/or the straight world, but certainly not within punk circles. Living just outside of DC, the home of Positive Force, I can tell you they are not even close to all neo-Nazis. At least in the US (and I think the UK), many organizations have sprung up to counter this stereotype, including Anti-Racist Action, SHARP
(SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice) and SPAR (Skins and Punks Against Rasm).

However, back on topic, this reminds me of a question I asked a long time ago, without response. However, since we just went through Brit month, maybe someone will step up now. What are Richard Allen's '60s
('70s?) skinhead books like? Are they hardboiled? Do they involve crime? Also, has anyone read any of Stewart Homes's more recent skinead books. As a matter of fact, Homes himself is a skinhead anarchist punk.


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