Re: RARA-AVIS: Hay-On-Wye and other English (Welsh?) book places

Date: 20 Jun 2002

In a message dated Thu, 20 Jun 2002 10:35:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Chong said.
> My recent trip to the birthplace of the English
> language.
> Hay-On-Wye, on a recommendation from the list. A
> detour, but worth it. A book town like one I've
> visited in Holland. Except at Ham-On-Rye, as the name
> slipped, had mostly books in the Queen's language.
> Hay is just inside the border of Wales. "Just," a
> bookshop/B&B owner said. At her shop, the Broad
> Street Book Centre, I found Derek Raymond's autobio
> called The Hidden Files.

Glad you enjoyed it, Chong. It's not far from me and I try and get their when I can - as well as fantastic book browsing, it's a very picturesque area of the country. If you can, put The Hidden Files to the top of your to be read pile, I'm sure he'll come up a lot in next month's UK HB/Noir and it's a fascinating read. Any other avians ever find themselves in the wild wild west country take that detour! All the best, Colin.

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