RARA-AVIS: Jan Guillou

From: Anders Engwall (ERA) ( Anders.Engwall@era.ericsson.se)
Date: 17 May 2002

Jeremy Duns:

> I also recently bought a copy of Jan Guillou's Enemy's
> Enemy, the only one of his Coq Rouge series to be
> translated. This was after I saw a film starring
> Stellan Skarsgard, a lot of which was in English,
> called Den Demokraten Terroristen. Carl Hamilton, aka
> Coq Rouge, is "the Nordic James Bond", but this seemed
> much more like Matt Helm.

And of course, Donald Hamilton really is a member of the same nobility family as Guillou's protagonist! AFAIK, this is not some pop cultural reference, it's just that Guillou wanted a nobility name for his hero and Hamilton is one of the most common ones.

I don't much care about the Coq Rouge series, btw. Pretty boring, bland bestseller-type prose. The leftist political view is the only interesting bit.

/ Anders

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