RARA-AVIS: cliches, etc.

From: George Upper ( gcupper3@yahoo.com)
Date: 07 May 2002

Doug wrote:

<I am still waiting for someone to write a hardboiled novel in which the protag. is a psychotic killer and his sidekick is a sarcastic, wisecracking PI.>

It strikes me that McGee and Meyer fall into this neck of the woods, if you'll allow me a mixed metaphor. McGee is no psychotic killer--he's not even a killer when he can help it--but he definitely has moments when he's over the edge. Meyer is about as sarcastic and wise-cracking and un-psychotic as they get, though no PI.

Obviously, not a perfect fit for your description, Doug. But these two could serve as a sort of model for anyone who wanted to explore this dynamic in their own fiction.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal http://www.lightningbell.org/

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