RARA-AVIS: Top Five List

From: George Upper ( gcupper3@yahoo.com)
Date: 03 May 2002

Hi, folks. I made this list for a poetry group to which I belong (nevermind why, I just did). I thought that some rara-avians might have some other favorites that didn't make my list.


Top Five Last Lines / Passages from Hard-Boiled Detective Novels:

5. She had said it to her killers before she died. Her name was Mae Robicheaux. And I was her son.
(James Lee Burke, HEAVEN'S PRISONERS, 1988)

4. And then the goddamnedest thing happened. I started to cry. (Lawrence Block, EIGHT MILLION WAYS TO DIE, 1982)

3. It would be one kind of penance. And there are never enough kinds. Not for him. Not for me. And certainly not for you, my friend. (John D. MacDonald, A PURPLE PLACE FOR DYING, 1964)

2. I might just as well have saved the labor and sweat I had put into trying to make my reports harmless. They didn't fool the Old Man. He gave me merry hell. (Dashiell Hammett, RED HARVEST, 1929)

1. The Danzig brothers and I were sharing a table and a bottle inside with Hattie tending bar when Lieutenant Valery Kozlowski showed up with the walking sputum from the Detroit Prohibition Squad. (Loren D. Estleman, PEEPER, 1989)

===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal http://www.lightningbell.org/

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