Re: RARA-AVIS: Hit Man Tales

From: Buzz (
Date: 02 May 2002

"Joey the Hitman" has recently been reprinted but it's definately not about Joe Gallo, although he is referred to quite often in the book. (in fact, the anonymous author claims to have been offered the contract on Gallo) It's about the true life exploits of a mob hit man and was published originally in 1973. Back then, it might have had something new or fresh to say, but not anymore. The book deals primarily with his business as a mafioso soldier and devotes very little to his hitman activities. (only two chapters IIRC) I found it completely underwhelming and wouldn't recommend it, although the nuts and bolts of loansharking and bookmaking are quite interesting and well explained. Perhaps it's most intiguing aspect is how dated it is, especially in it's discussion of the porno biz-- before the introduction of video.


> For nonfiction (supposedly), there are Hit #29 and Killer,
> both by "Joey" and Dave Fisher. "Joey" is (again,
> supposedly) Joe Gallo.
> Bill Crider

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