Re: RARA-AVIS: 3/29/02 - Top 100 List A QUESTION RE: VOTING

Date: 30 Mar 2002

In a message dated 3/30/02 12:37:12 AM, writes:

<< Any list made up with many people voting is going to be like that. >>

    No Mark it isn't. And it isn't true that the only alternative to total unstated subjuctivity is a list made up by an authority. And while it may be hard to get complete agreement about the definition of "Hard-Boiled," it would be much easier to agree about selecting a definition for purposes of building a list.
    I'm not quite certain how you "know" that all the lists you're familiar with have been arrived at in the way you're proposing, but if you say they were, thats okay with me. You and I are not going to agree about this, but that's okay too.

                                    Jim Blue

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