RARA-AVIS: 100 Hard-Boiled

From: T.Kent Morgan ( tkmorgan@shaw.ca)
Date: 20 Mar 2002

Kerry said:

>And Dick Contino is from Ellroy's novelette "Dick Contino's Blues".

All I know is that every time a singing accordion player showed up at a local bar called The Paddock in Winnipeg where I used to hang out (a Red Lobster and an Olive Garden now unfortunately sit on the site), a friend would listen to one song and then pronounce, "He's no Contino." I guess I was wrong for all those years in thinking the guy playing Lady of Spain was a real person.

How about a nomination for Geoffrey Norman's Morgan Hunt, a convicted murderer turned P.I. in a very underrated series that must have lost its publisher. If memory serves, the fourth book of the Florida-based series, Blue Light, was only published in the UK.

Kent Morgan

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