Re: RARA-AVIS: NPR's 100 Best Fictional Characters since 1900

From: M Blumenthal (
Date: 19 Mar 2002

"Ray Skirsky
> Sherlock Holmes should be disqualified, since he was a well established
> character before 1900,
> if not, then Ayesha (She Who Must Be Obeyed) should be on the list as
> well. Tarzan should be
> much higher than #79, probably in the top 10. What about Conan? Okay,
> can leave him off.
> If Maturin is on the list, Hornblower should be as well. Nero Wolfe is
> most glaring omission
> that I can see--or not see. How about Gandalf? Well...maybe.

or Frodo. I was going to object to Holmes also for the same reason. It's like all the lists of 100 best I've seen. Some are clear but others don't belong. Certainly Superman and maybe Batman should be on it as well as Hercule Poiret. If they have Maturin how can they leave Aubrey off?

How about a hard boiled 100? I'll start it off by nominating the Op, Parker, Hoke Mosely, Matt Helm and Doc McCoy as well as Marlowe, Spade and Bond. Mark.

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