Re: RARA-AVIS: Oh, Kanada....

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 20 Feb 2002

Kevin Smith the Elder wrote:

. And if you tick us off, we may have to come down there
> and steal your women.

Actually, this town has so many beautiful women we probably wouldn't miss a few & it's only fair that we do our best to help our Commonwealth cousins. Of course, that's something you'd have to take up with the women themselves, on an individual basis.

Kevin also said :
> But it is rather perplexing, I admit, all the K names from the Great
> White North popping up lately here. there's the other Kevin, me,
> Kerry and now Keith. And we'll probably be hearing from Kent from
> Winnipeg soon.
> And, come to think of it, Ross Macdonald's real first name was
> --

It's not just the K names but the number of Kevin Smiths from Kanada that's starting to get scary. You are different people, right? (If you guys had a more normal name like mine it wouldn't be such a big surprise to come across 2 of you in one place). And just to get the road back on the show, ie, back on topic I've just begun to wonder what HB/noir novels deal with a doppelganger theme. Right now, I can't think of any but I'm sure there must be some & probably some well known ones (& probably one or two I've read).

Rene (who does try stay on topic, even if it ain't always apparent) PS - We Australians aren't renowned for our sensitivity, unlike our Canadian cuzzes.

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