Re: RARA-AVIS: Destroyer

From: James Reasoner (
Date: 18 Feb 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 1:03 AM Subject: RARA-AVIS: Destroyer

> I really liked the Destroyer books because they were, for the most part,
> hilariously funny, among other things. According to my failing memory,
> Warren Murphy said that he and Sapir collaborated by writing alternating
> chapters. I sure can't tell it by reading the books, though.

My failing memory says that Sapir wrote the first 98 pages of the manuscript and then stopped, even if it was in mid-sentence, and then Murphy finished the books. I think this comes from an interview with Murphy (or maybe from one of his letters in MDM years ago).


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