Re: RARA-AVIS: Five Star/Spillane

From: Etienne Borgers (
Date: 12 Feb 2002


From Comics scripts, Spillane really did burst on mystery lit. - as far as I remember- with his first novel in 1947 (I, the Jury) that became a huge success as paperback edition. He must have published some novellas in Manhunt (mag), starting in 1953 only.

I know of *collections* of short stories Spillane published during the sixties: ME HOOD (1961) RETURN OF THE HOOD (1964)

But never read these collections, or maybe some stories here and there, but I don't remember.

I was never very interested by short stories (with very few exceptions like Woolrich, Frederic Brown
...), but was more attracted by novellas when it's HB/Noir. My general lack of interest for short stories was a mistake, I know ... but nobody's perfect.

Hope the above helps.

E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries

--- William Denton <> wrote:
> On 11 February 2002, wrote:
> : Mickey Spiullane. Together We Kill, The
> Uncollected Stories of Mickey
> : Spillane, ed. Max Allan Collins. Waterville,
> ME: Five Star, 2001.
> : 1st edition. A very mixed collection.
> How many other short stories has Spillane written?
> He must not have found
> it worthwhile, since magazine pay couldn't compare
> to what he got the way
> his books sold. Had he even published short stories
> before his first
> book, or did he just burst on the scene?
> I see he turns 84 on 9 March this year. I hope he's
> still in good health.

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