Re: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy versus Cave. Split decision goes to Cave.

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 05 Feb 2002

> Other HB musician/writers - Jesse Sublett, bass player with many
> bands, has written a couple of thrillers - anyone read them?

I have a copy of "The Rock Critic Murders" but haven't read it. Rock critics - would that qualify as murder? (Frank Zappa : "rock critics : people who can't write, writing about musicians who can't play for people who can't read".)

John aslo wrote :

> Practically every contemp British HB writer seems to have some musical
> background - David Peace, Nicholas Blincoe, Mark Ramsden, myself even,
> all have dodgy post-punk records lurking in our CVs (well apart from
> Ramsden who's a serious jazz hat)

It's a bit of a phenomenon in Australia too, I think.I know of at least 2 (we're a small country, people wise) probably hb (haven't read them) writers who are ex-rock muso's Dave Warner & Peter Doyle although these guys are probably more pre- or contemporary to punk

> BTW, someone mentioned Lou Reed and I seem to recal detecting a
> influence of Vachss on a couple of the songs from the New York album,
> else notice that?

I've kept up with very little contemporary music for quite a few years now but I remeber that Lou is also a big Chandler fan as well as William Burroughs.Another singer who loves books & I'd be surprised if he didn't like other HB lit aside from Chandler & Vachhs.


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