Re: RARA-AVIS: pelecanos and connelly, too!

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 05 Feb 2002

> >joy said:
> >
> >Ah, Rene, you've got to read Liza Cody.
> >********
> and i finally get to say:
> hey, rene! you gotta read connelly and pelecanos too!
> i recommend starting with pelecanos's _sweet forever_,
> although many recommend _down by the river where dead
> men go_ (did i get the title right?), i haven't got to
> it, yet. and try michael connelly's _black echo_. its
> the first harry bosch. harry wrestles with his conscience
> and other inner demons, and i like that sorta stuff. i
> guess i should warn you that some in the group find
> connelly too touchy-feely, but what do they know? ;-)
> miker
So little time, so many books ...I'll get there, I'm the Little Red Engine who reads hb, I think I can, I know I can ... it's just gonna take a while!


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