RARA-AVIS: Elmore Leonard in the news

From: William Denton ( buff@pobox.com)
Date: 04 Feb 2002

Now that Leonard's got a new book out we're bound to see a bunch of newspaper stories about him. The Globe and Mail has one today that isn't bad. If you go to


today and scroll down a bit you'll see a link to the story (its full URL is big and ugly). Wait, there's a printable version at


but I don't know how long that will last.

Simon Houpt calls Leonard "the undisputed master of the American crime novel," and goes on for a while about how cool he is. I never though Leonard was particularly cool, just a quiet hard-working guy who writes well.


William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.

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