RE: RARA-AVIS: to have and have not

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 16 Jan 2002

warning: spoiler for harris's _hannibal_ follows.

you've got a good point concerning a bad adaptation not necessarily being a bad movie. i guess that after reading the book its hard for me to impartially judge it on its own merits, but at the end of the movie where harry decides to run off to the prison island and break the resistance leader out... well thats just so gosh darned noble, it makes me ill. ;-)

i know that true hardboiled movies are made, but i've also seen cases where the hardboiled nature of the book evidently scared the movie makers off. my opinion is that they took the cowardly way out and settled for a mediocre "formula" movie. hannibal is a good example. the book was shocking... starling becomes hannibal's buddy. the movie keeps starling all noble and loyal to the cause and righteous and on and on ad nauseum. the movie makers just couldn't stand the idea of starling being a bad girl, so they changed it. my feeling is that if they had stuck with the original plot, they could have produced a more stunning, more shocking, and more profitable movie. and truer.


************************* carrie said:

well, I have heard that the book bears no resemblance to the film, but a bad adaptation isn't necessarily a bad movie.

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