Re: RARA-AVIS: Richard Stark

From: M Blumenthal (
Date: 05 Oct 2001

From: <Mbdlevin:

> The Score is better than The Mourner.
> Someone a while back noted that Westlake has essentially disowned The
> It provides a variation from the plots that Brian complains about, and
> Parker seems within character (takes action because he doesn't want Joe to
> spill about who he (Parker) is, not out of sentimental attachment). In
> case, I'd say Westlake is wrong about his own book.

I wrote something about what Westlake had said about the book. He didn't really disown it. He said he never should have written it because Parker acted completely out of character. He felt Parker never would have done something like gone to help someone for no good reason. From what I remember the excuse in the book for Parker's going to help Joe Sheer was something like you say, but I guess Westlake thought it was too flimsy. After all everybody seems to know who Parker is. Occasionaly, he does have tell old acquintances who he is because of the new face.

He did disown the books he wrote as Sam Holt because he had written them for a different publisher on he understanding that the real identity of Sam Holt would never be disclosed. I think Westlake wanted to prove he could successfully write books unlike any he had written and have them be successful without trading on his identity. When the publisher let his authorship slip Westlake stopped writing the series. Mark

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