RARA-AVIS: Red Harvest/hardboiled "voice"

From: Carrie Pruett ( pruettc@hotmail.com)
Date: 29 Sep 2001

Hey all -

I'm supposed to be leading discussion later this month on another group
(4_mystery_addicts on yahoogroups), and the book is "Red Harvest." Can anybody recommend good sources (online or otherwise) for a crash course on RH and Hammett? Is there a comprehensive list of films that use the RH motif? (I know Yojimbo, Fistful of Dollars, and last man standing, are there others?

Finally, this is probably the earliest HB book I've read and I was a little surprised to see the first person HB "voice" (laconic, sarcastic, providing minimal personal info through direct narration) already pretty well developed. Was this already a convention by the time Hammett came along, and if so any good theories about how it developed?


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