RE: RARA-AVIS: Theme of the month - Los Angeles

Date: 06 Sep 2001

Re Anthony's comments below:

> I realize there are those who don't agree, but I see
> Holmes as being
> hardboiled. Holmes is what a Victorian England
> hardboiled would be ...
> to each character their culture, their time, and
> their place ...

I'll certainly allow that Homes (and, for that matter, war vet Watson) are tough and capable. But they're not hardboiled for one simple reason. Attitude.

To be hardboiled, one must be both tough AND colloquial. One approaches things with a certain
"common man/blue collar" ethos. Holmes and Watson, both of them staid Victorian gentlemen, simply don't fit.

In other words, though they can walk the walk, they can't talk the talk, and in the HB tradition, language and style, talking the talk, is almost as important as actual toughness.


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