Re: RARA-AVIS: Willeford, Edward Bunker and Jim Thompson

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 02 Jan 2001

On Mon, 1 Jan 2001 wrote:

> You know, I just found a flaw in Polito's SAVAGE ART (the biography of Jim
> Thompson). There's no bibliography of Thompson's work included. But
> didn't he start out writing proletarian novels that were published in
> hardback before he became a "paperback writer" (sorry, listening to the
> Beatles as I write) for Lion in the '50s?

I have a note in my files of a short story published as by Jim Thompson in a Finnish slick paper in the late fifties. The paper in question printed many stories out of Saturday Evening Post and several others slick magazines. Does anyone know whether Thompson actually wrote for slicks? This one isn't even a mystery story, rather a romantic South Seas story - which doesn't particularly sound like our Jim!


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