Re: RARA-AVIS: a question

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 14 Nov 2000

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, cooper wrote:

> A Servant of Two Masters is a commedia dell'arte comedy by Carlos Goldini
> and was written in 1746. It does what it says on the can,Venetian chancer
> doubles income by serving two masters at once. I'd love to be able to say I
> knew this already, but it's running in Edinburgh and was reviewed in this
> weeks Guardian. Not sure if it's the same one as Juri is thinking of.

It should be, even though it doesn't sound like "Red Harvest" at all... And I did a double-error trying to say that it was from the 19th century... Oh god, now someone looks these messages up and ends up making his/her thesis or doctorate on Hammett claiming that he had read Collodi's play from the 19th century...

But back to the point: I've read somewhere that Kurosawa wrote
"Yojimbo" Collodi's play in mind. I can't find the reference anywhere, but I have a vivid picture seeing the words in front of me.

Maybe I should get back to work.


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