Re: RARA-AVIS: Once more into the peach cobbler

From: a.n.smith (
Date: 02 Sep 2000

> So what if a work is excluded from being labeled as hard-boiled. It
> cease to exist does it? No, it's still there to be enjoyed. Everything
> doesn't have to be labeled "hard-boiled" to be good. You water it down too
> much and you stretch the genre to the point of meaninglessness.

A great point, which is why this "definition" stuff is so funny (and the litmus test line was very true as well). I find what I call "psychological hard-boiled" (no names to give. Sorry. I'm writing these stories myself), which doesn't much resemble traditional h-b, to be a fresh way to look at contemporary issues and culture in crime writing. And the hard-boiled part of it is simply convenient--maybe someone else will think up a better term for the new and vital work coming out. Until then, crank up the egg timer...

Neil Smith

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